Recommended shelf life for Miner TecsPak pads is 5 years from the date of manufacture.
1st five digits on pad indicate manufacture date.

07 025
07 = 2007
025 = the 25th day of the year, January 25th.
Occasionally, the first zero was left off. So the date code might look like: 7025
The rest of the numbers are Miner's internal tracking.
In most cases, the pad will need to be cleaned to see the date code. Sometimes just simply wiping it with your hands is fine and other times you may need some water to wash off the dust and dirt.
Temperature Caution
Do not expose pads to temperature environments higher than 200 °F or 175 °F for extended periods of time (2-3 hours).
After the side bearings have been installed, and the car body lowered onto the trucks, the set up height will probably be greater than the original set up. Initial set needs to take place and this height will gradually reach the designed set up height.
At temperatures lower than 40 °F this may require at least 24 hours. For this reason, the TecsPak® pads should be maintained at a 40 °F or higher temperature for at least 24 hours before assembly on a car.
Remove TecsPak® pads and top cap assemblies prior to welding. Allow ample time for cooling before replacing pad or top cap assembly.
Warning – Do not weld near TecsPak® pads.
Recommended shelf life for Miner TecsPak pads is 5 years from the date of manufacture.
1st five digits on pad indicate manufacture date.

07 025
07 = 2007
025 = the 25th day of the year, January 25th.
Occasionally, the first zero was left off. So the date code might look like: 7025
The rest of the numbers are Miner's internal tracking.
In most cases, the pad will need to be cleaned to see the date code. Sometimes just simply wiping it with your hands is fine and other times you may need some water to wash off the dust and dirt.
Temperature Caution
Do not expose pads to temperature environments higher than 200 °F or 175 °F for extended periods of time (2-3 hours).
After the side bearings have been installed, and the car body lowered onto the trucks, the set up height will probably be greater than the original set up. Initial set needs to take place and this height will gradually reach the designed set up height.
At temperatures lower than 40 °F this may require at least 24 hours. For this reason, the TecsPak® pads should be maintained at a 40 °F or higher temperature for at least 24 hours before assembly on a car.
Remove TecsPak® pads and top cap assemblies prior to welding. Allow ample time for cooling before replacing pad or top cap assembly.
Warning – Do not weld near TecsPak® pads.